imageI recently came across this wonderful post on The Thought Catalog site. Every word in this writing resonated with my own personal and professional beliefs. I feel it’s worth sharing it here too. The post is written by someone else, and I fully credit that writer, but, as a mental health professional, I embrace fully what this writer is trying to say.We see leaving something behind as a loss and a failure (a perceived one), but we forget that walking away is also a beginning of something new. Just because certain things are hard, it doesn’t mean they are not right and not good for us. Embracing the duality of both a loss and a beginning helps to incorporate the whole experience while also moving forward.The expectations we place on ourselves and obstacles are only insurmountable if we choose to see them in that way. There are always other choices we have in life that can lead to a better future. It’s just a matter of what we want the most – being the best Self you always wanted to be or molding into your perceived boundaries and expectations.

You’re Allowed To Leave

by Rania Naim

“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.” ― Mo Willems.You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t find yourself in. You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t love yourself in.You’re allowed to leave a city that has dimmed your light instead of making you shine brighter, you’re allowed to pack all your bags and start over somewhere else and you’re allowed to redefine the meaning of your life.You’re allowed to quit the job you hate even if the world tells you not to and you’re allowed to search for something that makes you look forward to tomorrow and to the rest of your life.You’re allowed to leave someone you love if they’re treating you poorly, you’re allowed to put yourself first if you’re settling and you’re allowed to walk away when you’ve tried over and over again but nothing has changed.You’re allowed to let toxic friends go, you’re allowed to surround yourself with love, and people who encourage and nurture you. You’re allowed to pick the kind of energy you need in your life.You’re allowed to forgive yourself for your biggest and smallest mistakes and you’re allowed to be kind to yourself, you’re allowed to look in the mirror and actually like the person you see.You’re allowed to set yourself free from your own expectations.We sometimes look at leaving as a bad thing or associate it with giving up or quitting, but sometimes leaving is the best thing you can do for yourself.Leaving allows you to change directions, to start over, to rediscover yourself and the world. Leaving sometimes saves you from staying stuck in the wrong place with the wrong people.Leaving opens a new door for change, growth, opportunities and redemption.You always have the choice to leave until you find where you belong and what makes you happy.You’re even allowed to leave the old you behind and reinvent yourself.


Mindful Pause - How to Live with Ambiguity in Life


Getting to Self-Love and Acceptance